
2H+2H amb Humanhood - GRUP1



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NIVELL: mig/avançat


20,00 €

Descripció de l’activitat

Únicament per reserva a través de la web, places limitades a 10 persones ! 


During this course, you will delve into Julia and Rudi's movement practice and be guided through the Weflow Experience. Weflow Experience is a physical, mental and spiritual journey that unleashes our inner potential to connect with the energy field of the body, discover our true infinite nature and become fully present through the awakening power of movement. Inspired by Eastern practices like tai-chi, qi-gong as well as ritualistic and shamanic approaches, Weflow focuses on the power of connection between mind and body to improve the dancer's presence and performance. 'This is a massive difference between an intensive where you train with various tools and this one, where you witness a whole philosophy behind each movement. To be moved from consciousness, experiences transformation of the body. Each day of training is to experience a true trance, in the most vast meaning of the word' - previous Participant's Experience.  In this session you will also explore the fundamental applications of Weflow into Humanhood's movement quality through directed improvisation and set movement phrases that will allow you to put into practice this unique way of moving and distinctive movement language.  

Impartit per

HUMANHOOD - Júlia Robert i Rudi Cole

El Rudi i la Júlia son ballarins, coreògrafs i co-Directors Artistics de la companyia de dansa Humanhood. Com a ballarins professionals han treballat amb companyies referents com ara Akram Khan o Jasmin Vardimon co. Des de la creació de Humanhood han anat desenvolupant una pràctica de moviment única la qual és la base del moviment i filosofia de la companyia. Humanhood ha presentat el seu treball arreu del món incloent-hi el Festival Grec de Barcelona on aquest any han mostrat TORUS.  

2H+2H amb Humanhood - GRUP1