Regular training & classes

Classes de Dansa Contemporània amb Triny Reinoso


Monday and Wednesday, 19.30 to 21 h


Medium level


Ticket for 10 classes at € 70

Single class at € 10

Ticket duration: 3 months from the date of purchase


1. Log in. If you are already a member, the user is your email and the password is your DNI or NIE. If not, sign up.

2. Check if there are places available in the session or sessions you want to come to in the "book your spot" button.

3. Buy the bonus you prefer, 1 single class or 10 sessions.

4. Select the days you want to come and confirm your reservation.

You can check that everything is correct in your user account, in "My reservations".

Thank you!

Description of the activity

Dance and movement are adressed from a conscious and present body. Each encounter is open to listening and observing the internal and external space with intuition and flow as our guide. We will share research guidelines from improvisation and to approach movement phrases with technical aspects from organic movement. A space and a time to allow ourselves to be. Live. Moving how we feel, how we want and expanding new paths and forms. Space, group, bodies, relationships, gaze, perception, energy, reflection, dance, encounter. Find ourselves in letting go.

Imparted by

Triny Reinoso

Dancer, creator-performer, Graduated in Social Communication and Shiatsu Therapist.

I started in movement from a very young age in Artistic Gymnastics. Later I became interested in creation and communication through movement and trained in contemporary dance and folk roots. I am in constant search, braiding the universes of dance, movement and creation.