Gisela Creus and Laura Vilar are currently managing nunArt Guinardó
Gisela Creus is part of the first group of artists who founded nunArt association, wich is now divided in two. Laura Vilar has always been associate to nunArt, getting involved and carrying out personal projects both in artistic creation and in the field of teaching and accompaniment to creation.
The two of them have a long journey working together both inside and outside nunArt. For years they have been collaborating as interpreters and creators in different projects, such as the piece El Banquet or the workshops AreaCrea. Together they developed the professional training program for Area, Espai de Dansa i Creació in Barcelona in 2017. At present, they co-direct and work in nunArt Guinardó and have the intention of promoting research, creation, teaching and exhibition in the performing arts, as well as promoting artistic coexistence, conscious practice and indiscipline.
Management Team: Gisela Creus and Laura Vilar
Communication: Sal Peiró and Triny Reinoso
Image design: Kata Balogh
carrer del Telègraf, 67, 08041, Barcelona
© nunArt Guinardó 2020