What is nunArt?

nunArt Creacions is a cultural organization based in Guinardó (Barcelona), and founded in 2019 as a sibling project of nunArt association (2007-2020). 

nunArt Creacions has the will to offer an expansive, kind and concious space, with activities aimed at all people wanting to experiment different movement practices, to do artistic research or focus on performing arts professionally. 

nunArt Creacions' leading team projects its vision, but the organization is only possible thanks to to a large number of artsists, friends and other organizations, which through exchanges and collaborations facilitate nunArt's task while developing their professional artistic activities. 

We think that personal research and artistic creativity needn't to be activities restricted to the professional field of the performing arts, but can also be a part of the vital and expressive developement of any individual, at any age. It is for this reason that the activites that we do take in account diverse potential profiles. 

Through the years, our space has become a center for the developement of the performing arts, both local and internationally, while we also want to keep it open to people of any other professional areas wanting to explore their potential. 

If you have any suggestion, idea or doubt, you can send us an email to nunart.creacions@gmail.com

See you soon!

Gisela and Laura

nunArt Creacions Team