For more information and/or reservations you must contact to correspondent teacher directly

Friend activities

PROJECTem 7: accompanied creations


Del 5 de febrer al 3 de maig, dilluns, dimecres i divendres, d'11.30 a 14.30. Dimecres de 12 a 15 h.


Participants eager to experience different roles in a creation: performers, choreographers, playwrights, directors, etc.

We opened the call in January, evaluating the trajectory and training, as well as the motivations and interests expressed in the motivation letter. It is not necessary to have completed professional training or have previous professional experience, but it is necessary to have solid advanced-level training in contemporary dance.

Likewise, the commitment and responsibility of each participant with the project and with the rest of the people who will be part of it during the proposed 12 weeks is essential, as well as attendance at all sessions.


450,00 €

Description of the activity

PROJECTem is a proposal to support creation in a group format. The objective is to create a stable group of 8-10 interpreters who will be part of a creation process for 10-12 weeks.

This proposal is born from the desire to offer an inclusive space for meeting, growth and inspiration to the performers who take part. One of the main objectives is to offer participants tools and learning that have to do with a professional projection in performing arts through practice and the achievement of a creative project.

The seventh edition is from February to May 2024. The format is for accompanied creations, and each participant will develop, accompanied, their own project. During the process we ensure that each person can experience the role they want: performer, choreographer, playwright, director, etc.

4 or 5 simultaneous creations will be developed. Between 8 and 15 participants.


What is offered?

Enter a creation process in a space like nunArt, with the status of a creation center.

The possibility of working, meeting and closing ranks with other dance professionals.

A serious and rigorous work dynamic, in a training space that also has a professional approach.

Live the experience of enjoying support and being part of a collective project.

A global experience of creating, managing and producing a piece, which will provide tools to be able to do it independently in the future.

Imparted by

Gisela Creus and Triny Reinoso.

For more information and/or reservations you must contact to correspondent teacher directly

PROJECTem 7: accompanied creations