
EO! Escenari Obert


26 October 2024 - 20:00


The audience makes a flexible contribution of 5 to 10 euros per person. The contribution is intended to cover the organization of the performance and to improve the rehearsal and showcase space at nunArt.

Description of the presentation

The EO! open stage at nunArt is a showcase space for anyone, without conditions of level or professionalism, who wants to share from their practice. This is the stage for everyone, open and listening!

💡 Do you have a work in progress that you’d like to share? Do you have an idea and want to put it into practice on stage? This is an open call for anyone with a scenic proposal from any discipline. The proposals should be 5-7 minutes long and require no special technical requirements, just lights and sound. The theme of the pieces is open!

On this occasion, the following pieces will be showcased:

  • No sóc d’aquí ni sóc d’allà // Ona Mestre
  • El cant, el mirall // Neus Muntaner 
  • Cuerpa // Mireia Señor 
  • Disidente // Paskany Gajardo 
  • Transcription // Lilén Doster 
  • Raíces en Tránsito // María Fernanda Ojeda Lillo 
  • Mosquita muerta // Cia. El Desvío