
Mostra de Changing Spaces: Martina de Dominicis


12 December 2024 - 12:00


Free entrance.

Description of the presentation

That was touching... 

During this residency I keet on exploring different ways of getting in touch with what can't be seen but mostly felt. The performative scores I am working on depart from an understanding of the innerbody as a multitude of bodies always in touch with each other and from a strong interest in the tactile behavior of our eyes. The relation between what is seen and what is felt, between image and content, embodying forms and the generation of emotions are some of the questions that flow into my research at nunArt.  For the final presentation I would like to invite the Audience into  hybrid format that will include a performative moments from my side and shared collective practices. The audience will also have time to privately navigate a parcour of scores that will be installed throughout the nunArt space and will be delivered through different medias.