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Regular training & classes

Cafès amb xandall: Miguel Viero


Wednesday, October 23, from 11 am to 12 pm.


Anyone interested


Free activity with no prior reservation needed

Description of the activity

☕️ ‘Cafès amb xandall’ is a gathering space proposed by nunArt with each trainer we invite to lead the sessions. It’s a moment to ask questions together, share ideas, doubts, sensations, and more, right after the training!

🫖 This proposal combines two key areas that we want to emphasize at nunArt: on one hand, promoting community, building connections, and creating spaces for sharing. On the other hand, working on specific actions and projects to support research and creation.

🧡 Will you stay on Wednesday, October 23, to have a coffee with Miguel?

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Cafès amb xandall: Miguel Viero